over 100 symptoms ALLERGY
Over 100 Allergy Symptoms
that may be helped by
JL Rawasari Selatan 50, Jakarta Indonesia
Jl Taman Bendungan Asahan 5 Jakarta Indonesia
Bunda Hospital, Jakarta Indonesia
Phone : (62- 21) 70081995 - 4264126 – 31922005
email : wido25@hotmail.com , htpp://www.childrenfamily.com
that may be helped by
JL Rawasari Selatan 50, Jakarta Indonesia
Jl Taman Bendungan Asahan 5 Jakarta Indonesia
Bunda Hospital, Jakarta Indonesia
Phone : (62- 21) 70081995 - 4264126 – 31922005
email : wido25@hotmail.com , htpp://www.childrenfamily.com
The term "food allergy" refers to adverse immunologic reactions to food. Food allergy is usually mediated by IgE antibody directed to specific food proteins, but other immunologic mechanisms can also play a role. The primary target organs for food allergic reactions are the skin, the gastrointestinal tract and the respiratory system. Both acute reactions (hives and anaphylaxis) and chronic disease (asthma, atopic dermatitis and gastrointestinal disorders) may be caused or exacerbated by food allergy.
The foods most commonly causing these reactions in children are milk, egg, peanuts, soy, wheat, tree nuts, fish and shellfish; in adults, they are peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish and fish.
Double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenges are considered the gold standard for diagnosing food allergy. The procedure is labor intensive but ALLERGY BEHAVIOUR CLINIC JAKARTA INDONESIA should be modified for DIAGNOSING FOOD ALLERGY by OPEN ELIMINATION DIET PROGRAM.
Treatment consists of elimination of the causal food(s) along with medical treatment, including the prompt self-administration of epinephrine in the event of a serious reaction.
Everyone experiences some of these symptoms once in a while, but it is the intensity and frequency that can indicate when it is not a normal condition.
Success with this program may make stopped medication unnecessary. If you are now using such medication, changing dosages on your own can be dangerous. Physician supervision is needed when changing psychoactive medications.
If any of these symptoms have appeared suddenly or if they are severe, consult a physician. It may be a symptom of some other, more serious, condition.
This material is for information only and is not intended to replace appropriate medical care.
Over 100 Medically Recognized Symptoms of Allergy :
Neurological symptoms:
Headache, Migraines
Seizures (some types, especially if combined with migraine or hyperactivity)DepressionFatigueSleeplessness (insomnia)NeuralgiaFeeling of indecisionMoodinessMelancholyWithdrawalApathyEmotional instabilityImpaired coordinationImpaired comprehensionNervousnessStammeringFaintingAphasia (inability to speak or find the appropriate word)Mental lapsesBlackoutsParanoid thinkingDelusionsHallucinationsAmnesiaComaLethargyDisorientationIrritabilityEpilepsyDizzinessViolent behaviorHyperactivity
Joint symptoms:
Arthritis Swollen anklesArthralgia (joint pain)
Circulatory symptoms:
Chest painIrregular heartbeatHypertension (high blood pressure)Hypotension (low blood pressure)Irregular pulseAnemiaEdemaAngina pectoris (heart pain)Phlebitis (inflammation of a vein)
Respiratory symptoms:
Runny noseAsthmaWheezing, shortness of breathCoughing BronchitisSinusitis
Gastrointestinal symptoms:
Colic in infancy, hernia in infancy,
Excessive gasDiarrheaConstipationColitisStomach crampsNauseaVomitingAbdominal painCanker soresPeptic ulcersGall bladder painBelchingHeartburnSalivationFood cravingsGaggingHunger painsDiverticulitisIndigestionHemorrhoidsDuodenal ulcerBloating
Excessive gasDiarrheaConstipationColitisStomach crampsNauseaVomitingAbdominal painCanker soresPeptic ulcersGall bladder painBelchingHeartburnSalivationFood cravingsGaggingHunger painsDiverticulitisIndigestionHemorrhoidsDuodenal ulcerBloating
Skin symptoms:
ItchingEczemaClammy skinTendency towards bleeding and bruisingHivesSweatingAcneCracked skin
Musculo-skeletal symptoms:
NeckacheMyalgia (muscle pain)Backache
Hormonal symptoms:
Other symptoms:
Multiple sclerosisCataractsConjunctivitisFailure to thrive (in infants)DiabetesSneezing spellsHoarsenessOtitis media (inflammation, discharge from ear, earaches)ObesitySwelling around the eyesFeverBed-wettingLow blood sugarTinnitus (ringing of the ear)
Typical Chemical Sensitivity or "Sick Building Syndrome" Symptoms
HeadachesLethargyDizzinessMalaiseWeaknessNauseaFlushingEye itch or irritationDry eyesBlurred visionStuffy or watery noseDry throat Arthralgia or joint painSkin problemsCough and asthmaNumbness and tinglingMuscle weaknessMuscle crampsWeight lossInsomniaConfusionLoss of memoryPoor concentrationEdemaMoodinessDepressionFatigueIncreased perspirationHyperactivityLoss of voice or laryngitisHearing lossIrregular heartbeat
Allergic Tension Fatigue Syndrome (ATFS)
Hyperactive, uncontrollably wile, unrestrainedFatigued, weak, weary, exhausted, listlessNonstop talk, repetition, loud talk, stutteringInattentive, disruptive, impulsiveShort attention span, unable to concentrateRestless legs, finger tappingClumsy, poor coordination, tremorInsomnia, nightmares, inability to fall asleep and wake upNervous, irritable, upset, short-tempered, moodyHigh-strung, excitable, agitatedDepressed, easily moved to tears, temperamentalOversensitive to odor, light, sound, pain, and cold
Sleep Problems :
Resistance to going to bed
Difficulty falling asleep
Restless / erratic sleep
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